What Is a Dumpster Enclosure?

How Dumpster Enclosures Benefit Businesses

Dumpster enclosures, or dumpster corrals, can benefit businesses with a permanent dumpster on-site. They can help keep your dumpster out of sight and secured on your property. Wondering where to start when it comes to commercial dumpster enclosures? Read on to learn more. 

What Is a Dumpster Enclosure?

A dumpster enclosure is a fenced-in area where your dumpster container or recycling bin resides, blocking visibility from the public. A gate system with an enclosure is installed to keep unauthorized personnel out and ensure that debris is secured until your waste management picks up the garbage and recycles it. 

Benefits of a Dumpster Enclosure

Building a dumpster enclosure for your trash bins has benefits for companies, including:

  • Cleanliness: With an enclosure for your dumpsters, you reduce the risk of winds blowing the bin lid open and blowing trash over your business property. A dumpster enclosure can also remove an unsightly dumpster from view. 
  • Avoid wildlife: It’s common for animals like raccoons and squirrels to raid dumpsters and tear open garbage bags to eat food waste. Not only can this spread trash over your property, but it can also draw in more animals looking for scraps. An enclosure can help keep animals out and trash contained. 
  • Security: An enclosure will have a locked gate that is only accessible to you and your employees, meaning other unauthorized individuals won’t be able to access the trash to prevent illegal dumping. 

Considerations When Building a Dumpster Enclosure

Finding the right type of enclosure will depend on a number of factors, including the number of dumpsters you have, the dumpster enclosure cost, and more. Here are the main things to consider as you look at dumpster enclosure options for your business. 

Enclosure Size

The dimensions of your dumpsters will directly influence how big your dumpster coral should be. Typically, dumpsters for businesses range from 2 to 8 yards, depending on the size and needs of your business. You want to ensure your enclosure is big enough to fit your dumpster and allow room for a person to walk in there to access the bin.  

The enclosure needs enough side and overhead clearance for a garbage truck to easily collect the waste. Carefully consider the specific measurements to provide enough room for the waste management company to be at least 50-100 feet away from your building.

Cost to Build & Materials

Seek quotes from local builders for your dumpster enclosure to better understand the price range, labor costs, and installation timeline. If a concrete slab is not present in your trash area, you’ll need to factor in one for the overall dumpster enclosure cost. A few main materials are used for dumpster enclosures: metal, wood, concrete, chain-link, and vinyl. Choose the material that’s not only heavy duty, but one that best aligns with your budget and business preferences. 

Dumpster Enclosure Design

Your dumpster enclosure should be easily accessible to your employees and the waste management company, especially with a gate opening. Because some areas will require a building permit and specific dimensions for the enclosure, check with your building department before you begin installation to ensure it’s up to code. 


Oaks Dumpster Rental: Your Commercial Waste Partner

When you need a large bin for commercial use, contact Oaks Dumpster Rental for pricing and information. We can put you on a recurring schedule so you don’t need to worry about calling us to pick up or drop-off your bin. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a dumpster!


Author | Jen Burton, General Manager
Oaks Dumpster Rental